VAT News


The tax authorities have decided on the controversial topic of VAT treatment of supervisory board remuneration by means of various decrees. A supervisory board can only avoid VAT in exceptional cases. Therefore, there is a need to be particularly prudent, taking all steps necessary to meet the requirements of the tax authorities.
The Federal Fiscal Court takes the position that the German statutory rule, pursuant to which only corporations can be controlled companies of a VAT group, is not in line with the VAT Directive. Also, the Federal Fiscal Court calls into question whether the requirement of the subordination of the controlled company under the controlling company is necessary. The ECJ will have to decide whether partnerships have to be included in VAT groups and whether VAT groups are possible between affiliated companies without being a subordinated controlled company. Companies should now already start taking steps in order to prevent detrimental effects or to take advantage of the decisions of the ECJ.
The Federal Fiscal Court has referred questions on the scope of input VAT deduction by holding companies and several questions regarding VAT groups to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The decision on the input VAT deduction of holding companies is of particular relevance as the Federal Fiscal Court has taken the position that the input VAT deduction is possible only in a restricted extent. Holding companies should prepare for an approving verdict of the ECJ and take steps to secure the input VAT deduction. The questions on VAT groups will be dealt with in our next newsletter.
