A tax advisor is a generalist who provides advice to companies with respect to all tax issues. Yet even he will be confronted, time and again, with complex VAT issues, which, even with his experience, may not be easy to resolve. Day to day business often leaves insufficient time to properly deal with such complex issues.
For lawyers too, the question always arises as to how to properly handle VAT. Real estate operations, company acquisitions and partnership agreements often require expertise which can either be acquired at great effort, or which can be conveniently outsourced.
Certified public accountants often consult us with a view to minimizing VAT risks concerning statutory accounts. As experienced experts, we can be of invaluable assistance to you in evaluating your in-house VAT monitoring system, spot checking your documentary and accounting evidence and assisting certified public accountants in assessing complex VAT issues.
There are many instances, where obtaining advice from other professionals is really practical. Contact us for an evaluation of any complex VAT issues. We will provide high quality advice and, working together with you, deliver the optimal solution for your client. As VAT experts, our aim is to solve your client’s VAT problems. It goes without saying that we offer full client protection – we will not poach your client, a fact which we are more than happy to confirm in writing.