Umsatzsteuer Newsletter


In a chain transaction, the goods must be shipped directly from the first supplier to the last customer. Whether this is also the case when the first supplier and the last buyer each order a partial transport (so-called “broken transport”) is disputed. In its judgement of 17.06.2020 (ref. 7 K 7214/17), the tax court Berlin-Brandenburg affirmed the chain transaction, despite broken transport. The effect of the judgement should be manageable. It is only convincing to a limited extent and the other Member States concerned are not bound by it.
If a participant in a supply chain commits VAT fraud, the tax authorities often hold other companies in the supply chain liable. The allegation that a company "should have known" about a particular VAT fraud is one argument, which is readily asserted by the tax authorities against affected companies, in an effort to deny them input VAT deduction or zero-rating for cross-border supplies or even both. However, a number of recent decisions provide some degree of assistance: The German Federal Fiscal Court has now decided that the simple non-payment of VAT is not sufficient for the purposes of establishing the existence of VAT fraud. The Fiscal Court of Berlin-Brandenburg wants to establish a strict understanding of the term “supply chain“ and is referring questions concerning this issue to the European Court of Justice. The Fiscal Court of Hessian recently obliged a tax office to pay out input VAT amounts by way of interim relief, in a case where the tax office's accusations were unsubstantiated.
The Federal Fiscal Court has strengthened its restrictive opinion regarding retroactive invoice correction. In accordance with its previous jurisdiction the Court adheres to its earlier opinion that an invoice is a mandatory requirement for the deduction of input VAT. The Court confirms that a retroactively correctable invoice must satisfy five minimum requirements, including a specification of the supply, from which it must be possible to identify the supply being invoiced.
