1. Interim regulation until 30 June 2015
With effect from 1 October 2014, the Croatia Act changed the regulation for the reverse charge scheme. According to the new regulation, reverse charge applies to a supply of new metal and semifinished metal products. The respective goods are defined in Attachment 4 of the German VAT Act.
In practice, it transpired very soon thereafter that this new regulation amounted to a huge challenge for taxable persons. Therefore, the Ministry of Finance granted an interim regulation, until 31 December 2014, as set out in its letter dated 26 September 2014 (cf. VAT newsletter 22/2014). With the announcement of an extension until 30 June 2015, the Ministry of Finance is responding to the demands of many taxable persons and organizations.
2. Future Development
Meanwhile, the legislator has also reacted to the criticism regarding the amendment to the German VAT Act. It can be assumed that the legislator will amend sec. 13b para. 2 no. 11 of the German VAT Act and establish a threshold for the application of reverse charge for the supply of metal with a minimum value of EUR 5,000. Furthermore, the list of goods in Attachment 4 of the German VAT Act will be revised and reduced. It is expected that the amendment, depending on the course of the legislative procedure, will come into force as early as 1 January 2015.
In the circumstances, it makes sense for all taxable persons concerned to make use of the interim regulation and then to commence implementing the new reverse charge regulations after the planned amendment to the law.
Dr. Christian Salder
Lawyer, Certified tax consultant
Phone: +49 (0)89 / 217 50 12 - 85
As per: 11.12.2014