Umsatzsteuer Newsletter


Umsatzsteuer Newsletter 09/2015
If the requirements, according to the wording of a national VAT exemption regulation, of sec. 4 of the German VAT Act are not met, VAT exemptions will usually be denied by the German tax authorities. The European law is not taken into consideration. The Federal Court of Finance repeatedly directly applied a VAT Directive tax exemption regulation, in this case to supplies carried out by private hospitals. Supplies carried out by private hospitals are not subject to VAT, independent of their certification with respect to social security law.
Umsatzsteuer Newsletter 08/2015
The Federal Ministry of Finance has comprehensively reviewed the 1995 GoBS and the 2001 GDPdU. Both have now been amended and merged into one document, namely the GoBD (principles of duly keeping and retaining books, records and documents in electronic form as well as regarding data access). The review was overdue. What is new here is that the GoBD noticeably refers to VAT. In light of the above and due to the growing significance of complete and effective tax compliance, companies should check the impact of the new GoBD on their internal VAT related processes.
Umsatzsteuer Newsletter 07/2015
Based on new case law, an intermediary is no longer entitled to reduce his output VAT if he refunds to the customer of the transaction procured by him part of the transaction price. The German Ministry of Finance issued a circular confirming this opinion on 27 February 2015. This circular will have a great impact on many agents e.g. of telephone contracts, car dealers, purchasing associations and travel agents. The concerned companies will have little time to amend their structures and their invoicing procedure.
