Umsatzsteuer Newsletter


Supervisory board members with fixed remuneration are not taxable persons. To date, jurisprudence has left open the question of whether supervisory board members with variable remuneration are always deemed to be taxable persons. The tax authorities have, so far, taken the middle road and have simplified matters considerably in the interests of practice: in principle, they have affirmed the status as a taxable person if the variable component of the total remuneration exceeds 10%. This view now appears to be outdated following the ECJ's latest judgment, in which it rejects the idea of a board member’s status as a taxable person solely being based on the payment of variable remuneration.
With effect from 1 January 2023, a VAT rate of 0% (zero VAT rate) was introduced by the Annual Tax Act 2022 in sec. 12 para. 3 of the German VAT Act. At the end of February 2023, the Federal Ministry of Finance already published a circular which clarified several questions in practice. Now, the Ministry has published another circular shedding light on additional previously unresolved issues. Are all questions now clarified for practice?
The VAT Committee of the EU Commission is currently looking into the VAT treatment of the sale of virtual products (eg “skins” from online video games) via digital platforms. The VAT Committee is to assess whether the principles of VAT law also apply to this digital business model. The VAT Committee’s working paper already indicates that conclusions can also be drawn from the upcoming opinion with regard to the trade in crypto art or NFTs via digital platforms.
