Umsatzsteuer Newsletter


The requirement of bookkeeping and documentary evidence for the zero-rating of export supplies of goods has been the subject of ongoing discussion in recent years. In its letter of 25 June 2020, the Federal Ministry of Finance declares that the decisions of the ECJ issued in this area in recent years are now to be applied. To this end, it is adapting the German administrative VAT guidelines accordingly. It is also taking this opportunity to make minor adjustments to the rules on the proof of export of goods carried in the personal luggage of travellers.
Is the provision concerning a VAT group, in accordance with sec. 2 para. 2 no. 2 of the German VAT Act, compatible with Union law - and if so, how far does the scope of the VAT group extend? The V. Senate of the Federal Fiscal Court has now taken the opportunity to refer these two questions to the ECJ (Ref. V R 40/19). Some people may experience a sense of déjà vu as regards the first question referred, as the XI. Senate of the Federal Fiscal Court recently referred this question to the ECJ itself (Ref. XI R 16/18). However, the V. Senate goes beyond the question referred by the XI. Senate, at least in terms of its second question. The outcome is not only important for the public sector, but also for non-profit institutions and for mixed holdings.
Many game apps offer the user the option of purchasing additional benefits in the form of so-called in-app purchases via the app store on his/her smartphone. In its recent decision, the Tax Court of Hamburg dealt with the VAT treatment of these in-app purchases. In particular, it concerned itself with the question of who, from a VAT perspective, is the supplier vis-à-vis the user, the app developer or the app store.
